Now showing items 1-18 of 18

    • Construyendo Software del Futuro 

      Unknown author (2014)
      El presente trabajo es una obra colectiva de profesores investigadores de diversas instituciones de educación en México. Surge como una necesidad de discutir y analizar cuál es la situación actual de la ciencia del Software, ...
    • Datos 

      Lezama León, Evangelina (2011)
      The data are the base of computer. In this paper we study concepts, structure and data handling. The representation of text, images, audio and video as bit patterns and the representation of numbers.
    • Desarrollo sustentable 

      Velázquez Castro, Judith Alejandra (2013-07)
      This paper analyzes the concept and characteristics of sustainable development as well as the different dimensions and actors involved in the process.
    • Diagramas de flujo y pseudocódigo 

      Solis Galindo, Alonso Ernesto (2011-07)
      When we to develop a program we to need take a set of good practices to do that. This is because we can save time and also obtain certainty when we make a proposal to solve a problem. Two recommendations are flow ...
    • Dispositivos Periféricos 

      Felipe Castro, Geovanni (2011-07)
      Peripheral devices help us to enter data into the computer so that it will help us solving problems and thus obtain the result of these operations, i.e., these devices help us communicate with the computer so that your ...
    • Estructura de datos. Árboles 

      Unknown author (2011)
      Desde el punto de vista conceptual, un árbol es un objeto que comienza con una raíz (root) y se extiende en varias ramificaciones o líneas (edges), cada una de las cuales puede extenderse en ramificaciones hasta ...
    • Estructura de datos. Pilas y Colas 

      Unknown author (2013-11-08)
      Una pila representa una estructura lineal de datos en que se puede agregar o quitar elementos únicamente por uno de los dos extremos. En consecuencia, los elementos de una pila se eliminan en el orden inverso al que ...
    • Estructura de datos. Recursión 

      Unknown author (2011)
      La recursión o recursividad es un concepto amplio, con muchas variantes, y difícil de precisar con pocas palabras.
    • Estructuras Fundamentales de Datos 

      Unknown author (2011)
      Con el propósito de que la computadora procese la información esta debe ser almacenada en la memoria. De acuerdo con la forma en que los datos se organizan se clasifican en: *Tipos de datos simples (TDS) * Tipos ...
    • Instalación de JDK de Java en ambiente Windows 

      Redondo Nava, José Nahú (2012-07)
      Detailed installation of Java Development Kit (JDK) for Windows environments as well as setting environment variables "PATH" and "CLASSPATH" indispensable for working with the Java programming language
    • Introducción a las Computadoras 

      Hernández Palacios, Raúl (2011)
      In the present work is given to know the basic structure of a computer and explains how they interact with each of the components with the rest of them, well-illustrated and explains the formation of the CPU and the operation ...
    • Listas ligadas 

      Acuña Galván, Israel (2013-07)
      This presentation is an introduction to data structure linked list, it enumerates some applications, classification, describes a double linked node and mentions principal operations.
    • Modos de Direccionamiento 

      Andrade Hernández, Efraín (2011-07)
      They are means to facilitate the programming task, allowing access to data in a natural and efficient. These tell the processor how to calculate the absolute address (real or effective) where data is located.
    • Qué es Computación 

      Felipe Castro, Geovanni (2011-07)
      It is probably fair to say that most people know that a computer is, and knows very well use as a tool for work or study. But not many, if not more than half of students who believe they are studying this race, we are ...
    • Qué es la Administración de la Tecnología de Información 

      Leonel Hernández, Abraham (2011-07)
      The introduction of computer technology has brought organizations associated with expected productivity levels in many cases. One reason for this paradox is the consideration that this problem is reduced to a technical ...
    • Qué es Memoria 

      Felipe Castro, Geovanni (2011-07)
      Not anymore, the meaning of memory has been amplified by 100 percent and now computers have the ability to remember things his own way. This paper will explain how it is that way in which computers with memory recall ...
    • Qué es Proyecto 

      Leonel Hernández, Abraham (2011-07)
      Project •Project is the set of records to estimate the economic advantages and disadvantages of the allocation of inputs to the production of goods and services. •A project is a planned undertaking consisting of a set ...
    • Segmentos de un Archivo .EXE 

      Andrade Hernández, Efraín (2011-07)
      A segment is a special area in a program that starts on a paragraph boundary. You can have any number of segments to address a particular segment enough to change the address in the appropriate segment register. The three ...