Now showing items 3-22 of 876

    • A model for conceptualizing the knowledge in supply chain relationships 

      Montaño Arango, Oscar (2014)
      We present a conceptual model between the relations of knowledge in small and medium-sized manufacturing enterprises and their supply chains in the State of Hidalgo, Mexico. It is structured according to the dynamics ...
    • A Multi Period Stochastic Model to Link the Supply Chain with the Production Plan in a Manufacturing Organization. 

      Karelin n, Oleksandr (2011)
      In this document we considered a model for short term production planning in a market of consumer goods. The model assumes a variable number of manufacturing plants, distribution centers, retailers, and the corresponding ...
    • A new design method for adaptive IIR system identi?cation using hybrid CPSO and DE 

      Seck Tuoh Mora, Juan Carlos (2017-02-01)
      Adaptive in?nite impulse response filters have received much attention due to its utilization in a wide range of real-world applications. The design of the IIR filters poses a typically nonlinear, non- differentiable and ...
    • A note about the regular languaje of Rule 110 and its general machine: the scalar subset diagram. 

      Seck Tuoh Mora, Juan Carlos (2007)
      As it was published in other papers, a regular language can be derived in the elemental cellular automaton (ECA) Rule 110 from a subset of regular expressions produced from its set of gliders. This way, a full description ...
    • A Petri Net Based Simulator For Active Database Systems 

      Medina Marín, Joselito (2007)
      Active database systems were introduced to extend the database functionality. As well as a repository of data, active database can detect the occurrence of events in a database system and react automatically to that event ...
    • A Petri Net Model For An Active Database Simulator. 

      Medina Marín, Joselito (2007)
      Active database systems were introduced to extend the database functionality. As well as a repository of data, active database can detect the occurrence of events in a database system and react automatically to event ...
    • A Reward Functional to Solve the Replacement Problem 

      Hernandez Gress, Eva Selene (2012)
      The replacement problem can be modeled as a finite, irreducible, homogeneous Markov Chain. In our proposal the pro- blem was modeled using a Markov decision process and then, the instance was optimized using dynamic ...
    • A Simulator for Active Database Systems 

      Montaño Arango, Oscar (2010)
    • Abstracciones Formales Resultantes 

      Elizalde Domínguez, Continente (2017-05)
      La forma de las edificaciones representa una incógnita, dependiente de diferentes factores alusivos, pero indiscutiblemente disuelta durante el transcurso de un proceso. Teóricamente iniciado con el programa de requerimientos ...
    • Academic Texts 

      Espinosa Bravo, Edmundo (2024-06-30)
      Academic texts allow us to understand useful scientific information in order to be able to provide solutions to an issue.
    • Accomplishments 

      Saldaña Franquis, Manuel (2015-06-30)
      It is considered that an accomplishment is an action that started in the past, continues at the present and can be prolonged through the future.
    • Aceleradores Geométricos para el Diseño Arquitectónico Edilicio 

      Elizalde Domínguez, Continente (2017-01)
      Señalar nuevamente al desarrollo de competencias en el diseño arquitectónico edilicio por medio de la evaluación del conocimiento significa puntualizar en la continuación de una aplicación tecnológica. Ligada al distanciamiento ...
    • Acercamientos Teóricos al Concepto de Cultura 

      Roldán López, Mónica (2016-07-01)
      El término cultura es utilizado en dos sentidos principales: el más antiguo, derivado de los ideales clásicos de la formación humana, y el más moderno, derivado de la etnología y la antropología cultural. En el primer ...
    • Acotar dibujo en Master CAM 

      Lozano Rodríguez, Julio Cesar (2015-12-31)
    • Actuación 

      Gil Soto, Francisco Javier (2016-01-31)
      En esta presentación veremos tres ejemplos de performance en su época de auge
    • Acuerdos Internacionales 

      Cruz Trejo, Rodrigo (2024-06-30)
      En un mundo cada vez más interconectado y consciente de los desafíos ambientales, la necesidad de normas internacionales ambientales se vuelve cada vez más evidente. Estas normativas son esenciales para abordar problemas ...
    • Administración de inventarios 

      Fernández Ángeles, Juan Carlos (2015-06-30)
      Aumentar la rentabilidad de la organización por medio de una correcta utilización del inventario, prediciendo el impacto de las políticas corporativas en los niveles de stock, y minimizando el costo total de las actividades ...
    • Administración de Inventarios 

      Montufar Benítez, Marco Antonio (2023-08-08)
      La gestión científica de inventarios ha demostrado ser útil a las empresas del sector productivo y de servicio porque les permite apoyar sus decisiones de una manera objetiva al aplicar técnicas analíticas prescriptivas, ...
    • Administración y planeación estratégica 

      Reyes Cruz, Juan Luis (2011-07)
      By the following presentation you will know the fundamentals of management in any project, in order to understand better how the problems facing the companies, also, learn to handle the various strategic planning ...
    • La administración y su relación con otras áreas 

      García Pérez, Claudia (2015-06-30)