Now showing items 1-19 of 19

    • At the airport 

      Sánchez Franco, Leticia (2016-07-01)
    • College activitities map 

      Sánchez Franco, Leticia (2015-06-30)
    • Daily activities 

      Sánchez Franco, Leticia (2016-01-31)
    • Describing tools 

      Sánchez Franco, Leticia (2016-01-31)
    • Expressing permission, obligation and advice at work 

      Sánchez Franco, Leticia (2015-07-01)
    • Giving opinions 

      Sánchez Franco, Leticia (2015-06-30)
      When exchanging ideas about a topic, it is common to express our point of view in order to let the listener know our opinion and generate a discussion about it.
    • In other words 

      Sánchez Franco, Leticia (2015-07-01)
    • Making Comparisons 

      Sánchez Franco, Leticia (2015-06-30)
      When comparing two elements such as people, things, places, etc., it is necessary to use the comparative form of the adjective which is based on a group or rules.
    • Mexico’s Facts Contest 

      Sánchez Franco, Leticia (2015-07-01)
      The following activity was designed to promote cultural and geographical knowledge of our country by responding to a series of questions. The simple present structure is used in this activity.
    • Skimming and scanning to improve your reading comprehension 

      Sánchez Franco, Leticia (2017-08-31)
      En esta presentación se describen dos estrategias básicas para responder de manera efectiva la sección de comprensión lectora del examen de certificación TOEFL.
    • Talking about a special day 

      Sánchez Franco, Leticia (2016-07-01)
      Cuando nos referimos a eventos pasados, es común mencionar algunos detalles que describan dicho suceso, el lugar y los sentimientos de los participantes, es en este caso cuando utilizamos la estructura del verbo «be» en pasado.
    • Talking about definite plans 

      Sánchez Franco, Leticia (2015-06-30)
      A definite plan is considered when the date, place and time have been established.
    • Talking about habits 

      Sánchez Franco, Leticia (2017-08-31)
      En ocasiones es necesario mencionar la frecuencia en la que realizamos nuestras actividades y para ello los adverbios de frecuencia nos permiten mencionar cuando ocurren dichas acciones.
    • Talking about past events 

      Sánchez Franco, Leticia (2015-07-01)
      When we exchange ideas about past events it is sometimes necesssary to give extra details. Then the use of some linking words helps us to express our ideas in a more fluent and coherent way.
    • Telling the time 

      Sánchez Franco, Leticia (2017-08-31)
    • The passive past simple 

      Sánchez Franco, Leticia (2015-06-30)
      When an action that took place in the past is more important than the person or thing which did the action we use the passive voice in the past simple tense.
    • The passive: past simple 

      Sánchez Franco, Leticia (2015-06-30)
      When an action that took place in the past is more important than the person or thing which did the action we use the passive voice in the past simple tense.
    • Writing about ecology 

      Sánchez Franco, Leticia (2016-07-01)
      La redacción de ideas es de vital importancia en el desarrollo de la expresión escrita y un tema actual y de la vida cotidiana como lo es la ecología nos puede facilitar este proceso creativo.
    • Writing about ecology 

      Sánchez Franco, Leticia (2017-01-31)
      Writing ideas is an important task to develop the written expression skill. Then, an everyday life issue such as ecology, can help this creative process.