Acid-base balance and dissolution of potentially toxic elements in mine tailings located in the State of Hidalgo

Keywords: Acid drainage, dissolution of potentially toxic elements, mining tailings in the State of Hidalgo, acid-base balance


In this work, the acid-base balance was quantified in samples of mining tailings from the Dos Carlos Dam located in the State of Hidalgo, as well as the concentration of potentially toxic elements (PTE's) dissolved in aqueous solution (pH=4.5 ) of nitric and sulfuric acid. The results of pH, neutralization potential (PN), acidity potential (PA) and oxide reduction potential (ORP) were enough to say that the mining tailings located in the State of Hidalgo have a high potential for generating acid drainage, in In particular, sample M1 located at the geographical coordinates 20°06'23.8"N 98°42'50.4"W, which needs more attention because it presents a significant degree of oxidation that manifests itself in a pH of 4.5 for the extract of a solution prepared with 100 g/L, a PA value of -6.5 kg of CaCO3/ton of mining tailing and a lead solution greater than 10 mg/L at this pH value, which means a risk to the environment due to because under these conditions the dissolution of lead occurs


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How to Cite
Juárez Tapia, J. C., Ruiz Sánchez, Ángel, Muñoz Hernández, E. J., Gordillo Salazar, M., Alarcón Elvira, V., & Reyes Pérez, M. (2023). Acid-base balance and dissolution of potentially toxic elements in mine tailings located in the State of Hidalgo. Tópicos De Investigación En Ciencias De La Tierra Y Materiales, 10(10), 107-112.