Accurate on Biostratigraphic range and paleoenvironment of Temascalapa member (Huayacocotla Formation) based on Gleviceras Buckman, 1918 (Ammonoidea, Oxinoticeratidae Hyatt, 1875), in the Otomí-Tepehua region, east-central México.

Huayacocotla Formation paleontology

Keywords: Mexico, sinemurian, huayacocotla, ammonoidea, gleviceras


For the first time the paleontological finding of an Oxinoticeratid ammonite is reported in the Temascalapa, Otomí-Tepehua region of the Hidalgo state, central-eastern Mexico. The fossil is taxonomically determined as Gleviceras Hyatt 1875 in strata of the homonymous Temascalapa facies, informally known as the Temascalapa Formation. The determination allows the fossil to be ranged during the Upper Sinemurian in the raricostatum zone, which matching it with the Despí and Tenango units of the Huayacocotla Formation. Furthermore, the functional morphology analysis of the fossil, supported by the petrology of the unit, previously published, allows ensuring that the Temascalapa unit belongs to the Huayacocotla Formation and the criterion of multiple formations by previous authors is definitively discarded. The unification with the Huayacocotla Formation allows applying to this unit the determination of the sedimentary environment in the intra-arc basin in disoxic bottoms already known.


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How to Cite
Esquivel, C., & León Olvera, R. G. (2020). Accurate on Biostratigraphic range and paleoenvironment of Temascalapa member (Huayacocotla Formation) based on Gleviceras Buckman, 1918 (Ammonoidea, Oxinoticeratidae Hyatt, 1875), in the Otomí-Tepehua region, east-central México. Tópicos De Investigación En Ciencias De La Tierra Y Materiales, 7(7), 7-14.