Effect of alterations in anionic membranes on the Mn electrodeposition process

Keywords: manganese, electrodeposition, membrane, ionic exchange, sulfates


Manganese electrodeposition is a highly energetic process, since considerably high currents and potentials are required; at the same time, control over these conditions must be extremely strict, since manganese's reactive properties make it prone to form other species. Anionic membranes are important elements for obtaining manganese, since they are vital to ensure the efficiency of the process and the purity of the product obtained. Currently, the way in which membranes can vary their behaviour throughout the process is unknown. That is why in the present work potentiostatic and potentiodynamic studies were carried out with the purpose of differentiating how two different anionic membranes modify their effect on the electrochemical processes related to the reduction of Mn2+; the results showed that the membranes undergo modifications that increase the variability, matter transformation capacity and the selectivity of the process.


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How to Cite
Reyes Morales, Q. L., Reyes Cruz, V. E., Trujillo Estrada, A., Cobos Murcia , J. A., Urbano Reyes, G., & Pérez Labra, M. (2020). Effect of alterations in anionic membranes on the Mn electrodeposition process . Tópicos De Investigación En Ciencias De La Tierra Y Materiales, 7(7), 45-49. https://doi.org/10.29057/aactm.v7i7.6193