Design of a self-building system based on low-cost ramparts and bahareque with minimal environmental impact for a home

Keywords: selg-construction system, vernacular housing, sustentaible, earth architecture, energy expenditure


The need for a decent, sustainable, and self-constructing home is an emerging need in Mixquiahuala de Juárez, Hidalgo, since 90% of its inhabitants have houses that they built themselves and more than half live on two minimum wages or less. These works in very few cases are accompanied by a construction professional, causing structural failures, inadequate spaces, regulatory and management problems in the homes. This can be solved by means of guides or self-construction manuals that allow people to build to their possibilities; If the advantages of using vernacular systems are added to this, housing will be sustainable. Based on this, in the present work, a mixed vernacular self-construction system is developed in four phases, seeking that it can become a self-construction manual which will help families to build a decent and sustainable home.


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How to Cite
Rodríguez Ruiz, J. L., Castañeda Hernández, C. G., Cruz López, R., & Neria Hernández, R. (2020). Design of a self-building system based on low-cost ramparts and bahareque with minimal environmental impact for a home. Tópicos De Investigación En Ciencias De La Tierra Y Materiales, 7(7), 68-78.