Selection of a material for its possible application in the structure´s design

Keywords: materials, design, engineering, software CAD, FEA


The materials selection is direct relations with the design, it two area of knowledge are fundamental for development of products, one of the first step to realized is define with arguments cuatitatives what is better material to use and in second place what is the geometry more convenient to use, this is generally done when you have the freedom of choose, because in some cases there are certain restrictions or material or  in terms of geometry, besides that many times there are also limitations for manufacturing, so in order to define the material and geometry. Were made the pertinent comparions through the formulas and the corresponding calculations to know the advantages or disadvantages that exit when varying the parameters above.


After performing the mathematical analyzes, the structure was modeled in 3D through CAD software, in order to verify or corroborate the calculations using the finite element method, better known as FEM for its acronym in English, in order to compare that generated by formulas and that determined by simulation. Therefore, the main purpose of this research is to be able to help in the best decision-making regarding the material selection process and the most suitable geometry design to be used as a structure.


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How to Cite
Lira Hernández, I. A., & Ramírez Ramírez, R. (2020). Selection of a material for its possible application in the structure´s design. Tópicos De Investigación En Ciencias De La Tierra Y Materiales, 7(7), 93-97.