Experimental model of an industrial oil cooler

Keywords: Oil cooler, work fluids, thermal behavior, Hidraulic bahavior


In the present work a theoretical model is designed that allows predicting the thermal and hydraulic behaviour of an industrial oil cooler type shell and tubes, where the working fluids are oil and water. The ɛ-NTU methods, the Colburn correlations, Gnieinski, Sieder Taste and Dittus-Boelter to calculate the internal convective coefficients and the Kern correlations, Zukauskas, Hilpert and Churchill for the external convective coefficients. The structure is presented numerically and graphically, using software, depending on the operating and design parameters. The software allows modifying the inlet temperatures and pressures, the geometry of the devices, obtaining the outlet temperatures by combining of the correlations that fit the process. Additionally, experimental tests were carried out and the results were compared with the obtained according to the proposed model.


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How to Cite
Hortelano Capetillo, J. G., Baños López, E., Zuñiga Cerroblanco, J. L., Martínez Vázquez , J. M., & Pérez Pérez, A. (2021). Experimental model of an industrial oil cooler. Tópicos De Investigación En Ciencias De La Tierra Y Materiales, 8(8), 77-85. https://doi.org/10.29057/aactm.v8i8.7668