Application of a research praxis to improve the quality of teaching-learning of thermodynamics in geology

Keywords: Teaching, Learning, Praxis, Thermodynamics, Geology


This paper presents two case studies in which a pedagogical praxis was applied, which was conducted simultaneously with the traditional class of Thermodynamics. It is to conduct a research project, which was elected by the students enrolled in the field of thermodynamics in the Bachelor of Engineering in Environmental Geology UAEH, considering the affinity of the issue to their future professional field and the direction of the teacher. This interpretation of geological processes is improved and achieved that students develop empathy with the theme and its connection with the scope, obtaining a group and individual learning, promoting the construction of experimental knowledge, not only theoretical but also practical. By simulating with computer programs, case studies, with which they obtained characteristics and thermodynamic properties of systems, generating an analysis of the data generated and allowing them to establish an opinion, conclusion and solution to problems that can be presented in these thermodynamic applications.


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How to Cite
Meza-Pardo, I., Ramos-García, G., Guerrero-Vidal, H., & Cobos-Murcia, J. (2016). Application of a research praxis to improve the quality of teaching-learning of thermodynamics in geology. Tópicos De Investigación En Ciencias De La Tierra Y Materiales, 3(3), 144-149.