Biotechnological system for the reduction of chromium (VI) in wastewater

Keywords: Chromium (VI), Bio filter, Chelation, antioxidants, Biotechnology


Due to its toxicity, the Cr (VI) in water and sediment of rivers represents a serious health problem for people who use these flowing, whose exposure is related to diseases such as delays in development, cases of different types of cancer, damage to kidneys, and even with cases of death [1, 2]. This paper describes the application of a system bioreductor for the decrease of hexavalent chromium in wastewater, through a bio filter composed of Agave potatorum fiber, polar organic extracts rich in ascorbic acid, citric acid and flavonoids, metabolites with a high antioxidant capacity and ligand N- donator Tris-(2-(((1E, 2E)-3-fenilaliliden) amino)ethyl)imine obtained by green chemistry [3-5] and characterized by spectroscopic techniques of routine: mass spectroscopy by electron impact, FT-IR and UV-Vis. The latter compound presents an important activity chelating over ion Cr (VI) that is reduced and absorbed by the biotechnology system on deleting it from the water with an efficiency of

95%, evaluating the results by UV-Vis spectrophotometry.


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How to Cite
Tovar-Corona, A., Vázquez-Cuchillo, O., Moreno-Luna, F., & Hernández-Tosca, D. (2016). Biotechnological system for the reduction of chromium (VI) in wastewater. Tópicos De Investigación En Ciencias De La Tierra Y Materiales, 3(3), 163-174.