Determination of organic matter in soil samples, as an indicator in the extraction performance of humic acids (AHS)

Keywords: Soil, TOC, OM, HAs, HAs extraction


The analysis of total organic carbon (%TOC), organic matter (%OM) and nitrogen (%N) in three soil samples (Atotonilco, Tulancingo and Real del monte) of Hidalgo state were performed in this work. These parameters were used as an indicator of the amount and the quality of humic acids (HAs) present in the soil samples. For the Atotonilco sample soil (AS) values of 1.26-1.69% of TOC, 2.17- 2.91% for OM and 0.109-0.145% of N were obtained using the Walkley and Black methods (titration and spectrophotometric techniques, respectively). Regarding to the organic matter percentage (%OM) just the Atotonilco sample (AS) had a value close to that reported in the literature (5%); the others soil samples, Tulancingo (TS) and Real del Monte (RMS), were even lower. On the other hand, the extraction of HAs was performed with the method of Kononova, an economic, fast and efficient method. Using this method, the HA content obtained from TS and AS was 4% and 7%, respectively. According to this, a correlation between %OM and the amount of HA in the soil was found, in the following order: AS ˃ TS. In the case of RMS sample, their percentages of TOC, OM and N are similar to the TS sample; however, the HA extraction from RM soil was not possible probably because of the high concentration of iron in the samples, and the formation of molecular interactions HA-F in acidic medium. Therefore, the characterization of the three soil samples will continue in order to increase the quality and the amount of HAs extracted.


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How to Cite
Nieto-Velázquez, S., Carpio-Domínguez, K., & Páez-Hernández, M. (2015). Determination of organic matter in soil samples, as an indicator in the extraction performance of humic acids (AHS). Tópicos De Investigación En Ciencias De La Tierra Y Materiales, 2(2), 68-75.