Opuntia seeds as materials in the bioadsorption of cadmium and manganese

Keywords: Bioadsorption, Toxicity, Opuntia seeds


Heavy metals in aqueous media are available to biological systems. Among the most harmful are Pb, Cr, Hg, Mn, Cd, among others, highly toxic at all concentrations. Various techniques have been developed for their elimination, such as precipitation, oxidation/reduction, filtration, electrochemical processes, membrane separation and evaporation, etc. It is also possible to use adsorption techniques on natural substrates, such as zeolites, or synthetic absorbents such as exchange resins. On the other hand, cacti are made up of about 2000 species distributed in the American continent, they have been introduced in places with a very dry climate in countries on other continents. The geographical conditions of Mexico and its particular relief and varied types of soil have favored the diversification of these plants. Among other uses, cacti are widely used as human food and forage, mainly for their cladodes and fruits. The seeds of the fruits are considered as waste, thus, seeds of Opuntia heliabravoana Sheinvar, O. cylindropuntia imbricanta, O. matudae sp., O. joconoxtle and O. ficus-indica, pulverized or ground, under conditions of acid or basic activation , produce a favorable bioadsorption capable of reducing the concentrations of manganese and cadmium ions in aqueous media. From the species under study, it was possible to conclude that they show greater selectivity for bioadsorbing Mn than Cd. Bioadsorption efficiencies between 86.3% and 92.8% were reached for manganese and between 51.8% and 66.3% for cadmium. The maximum efficiency was presented by the species. O. ficus-indica followed by the species O. matudae for Mn while for Cd the species O. matudae, followed by the species C. Imbricata. The desorption process is unfeasible in all cases because these biomasses are not regenerable in the case of these metals.


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How to Cite
Prieto García, F., Trejo García, N., & Prieto Méndez, J. (2014). Opuntia seeds as materials in the bioadsorption of cadmium and manganese. Tópicos De Investigación En Ciencias De La Tierra Y Materiales, 1(1), 26-40. https://doi.org/10.29057/aactm.v1i1.9929