Semi-empirical study PM6 on the determination of active sites in chromium picolinate and pidolate

Keywords: Picolinate, Chromium Pidolate, PM6


Diabetes mellitus is one of the main health problems today. His orthodox treatment has increased the use of alternative therapies, the consumption of chromium supplements as an alternative therapy. Chromium is an essential nutrient that potentiates the action of insulin, therefore, it influences the metabolism of carbohydrates, lipids and proteins; however the exact mechanism has not been clearly defined; as well as the efficacy of chromium to reduce glycemia and hyperlipidemia is also still controversial. The purpose of this work is the molecular analysis of the reactivity exhibited by picolinate and pidohigh chromium compounds, since they are capable of simulating the behavior of insulin, which is why these complexes have recently gained considerable attention. To our knowledge the mimetic effect of these compounds is not well understood. This effect is directly related to the reactivity they exhibit. This kind of studies can help the development of new drugs with potential mimetic activity. Using the PM6 semi-empirical method and concepts such as: hardness (η), electronic chemical potential (µ), ionization potential (i), electronic affinity (A) and electrophilicity (ω), evaluating the global behavior of a series of complexes of chromium with insulin-mimetic activity.


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How to Cite
Reyes Becerril , E. D., & Mendoza Huizar, L. H. (2014). Semi-empirical study PM6 on the determination of active sites in chromium picolinate and pidolate. Tópicos De Investigación En Ciencias De La Tierra Y Materiales, 1(1), 187-190.