Now showing items 301-320 of 576

    • Arrendamiento Financiero 

      Rivera López, María Isabel (2016-01-01)
      Leasing is the leasing that transfers to the lessee most of the risks and rewards of ownership. Equivalent for sale in payment, in which the purchase price of a product is paid over time and with interest. The leased asset ...

      Sarmiento Vargas, Ignacio (2014)
      En este trabajo se presenta la detección de necesidades de capacitación (DNC), para identificar las áreas de ineficiencia en las organizaciones y poder corregirlas oportunamente para optimizar los resultados esperados. En ...
    • Administración Estratégica 

      Ayala Hernández, Silvia (2015-07-01)
      At the end of the semester the student will be able to identify, apply and develop the essential elements in the strategic planning through a project.
    • La Economía como Ciencia, Objeto y Categorías Fundamentales 

      Ayala Hernández, Silvia (2015-07-01)
      At the end of the semester the student will know the elements of the microeconomics, the market development, the several techniques of production, costs, expenses and prices respectively.
    • Principios de Macroeconomía 

      Ayala Hernández, Silvia (2015-07-01)
      To provide the student the elements to understand how the economny functions, its structure and the relationship between its main variables such as investment, savings prices, among others.
    • Finanzas Internacionales 

      Ayala Hernández, Silvia (2015-07-01)
      The course provides the students the knowledge of the economic variables that have the international financial markets which affect the private and public corporations, to increase the capital and to create portfolios of ...
    • Introducción a la Teoría General de Keynes 

      Soto Alarcón, Jozelin María (2015-06-30)
      This first approach to the Keynesian thought it is given from the reading of the General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money, in which Keynes expresses its main differences to the classical perspective, mainly with ...
    • El Subdesarrollo 

      Calderón Flores, Martha Gabriela (2015-06-30)
      For a better understanding of development processes in the world, it’s important to study its counterpart: underdevelopment. In this presentation, the main features that define a country as an underdeveloped one are analyzed, ...
    • Aplicaciones de Internet 

      Mera Callejas, Guillermo (2015-06-30)
      Internet is a network of networks that allows the decentralized networking of computers through a set of protocol scalled TCP/IP. He had its origins in 1969,when an agency of the United States Department of Defense began ...
    • Negociación y Conflicto 

      Rivera López, María Isabel (2015-06-30)
      Speaking of conflict and negotiation is not unusual as they are tools for solving conflicts between parties who have at least a moral duty to fix. The conflict does not generate both the communication difficulties , not ...
    • Clasificación de los costos 

      Jiménez Alvarado, Martha (2014-10-14)
      Los costos y los gastos pueden ser clasificados desde muy diferentes puntos de vista. Sin embargo, dependiendo de la asignatura en que se aborden, son necesarias algunas clasificaciones específicas. Esta presentación ...
    • Normas aplicables a problemas de determinación de resultados 

      Varela Toledo, Margarita Elizabeth (2014-10-14)
      Las cuentas de orden son de gran utilidad para el control, orden y recordatorio de las operaciones que en el momento de registrarlas no afectan financieramente a la entidad pero que si existe una posible afectación ...
    • Antecedentes históricos de la administración 

      Argüelles Gutiérrez, Xóchitl (2014-10-14)
      Desde que aparece el hombre surge la necesidad de administrar los recursos para poder subsistir. Dependiendo de la época socio histórica, las personas buscan formas diferentes de organizar y administrar los recursos con ...
    • Administración Financiera 

      De León Vázquez, Irma Isabel (2014-01)
      The following material presents the program of financial administration, coursing in the sixth semester of the Bachelor in Business Administration. It shows the importance of Mexican Financial System, Finance and methods ...
    • Portafolios de Inversión 

      Alvarado Resendiz, José Luis (2014-01)
      Large companies are not great investments, unless the price is right. The fact of investing may seem simple, but it is not. Many decisions and challenges involved in the process of investing in the current changing financial ...
    • Introducción a los Fundamentos de la Mercadotecnia 

      Alvarado Resendiz, José Luis (2014-01)
      The paper presents an approach to marketing and its application in Mexico and the Latin American environment, ie a study that reflected reality. It comes in a didactic, subject and literature, allowing the speaker's degree ...
    • Proyectos de Inversión 

      Unknown author (2011)
      It is a proposal for action, marketers, technical and economic need to solve using available resources, which can be human, material, technological, and economic information. This consists of a series of studies to see if ...
    • Evaluación finaciera 

      Unknown author (2011)
      Sintetiza numéricamente todos los aspectos desarrollados en el plan de negocios. Se debe elaborar una lista de todos los ingresos y egresos de fondos que se espera que produzca el proyecto y ordenarlos en forma cronológica. ...
    • Estudio Técnico 

      Unknown author (2011)
      Cuando la empresa o persona a decidido generar o fabricar parte de los productos o servicios que el mercado demanda para satisfacer sus necesidades, en ese momento se deben determinar los requerimientos de maquinaria, ...
    • Estudio Jurídico 

      Unknown author (2011)
      FORMA JURÍDICA DE LA EMPRESA Hay que tener en cuenta los siguientes criterios: forma de distribución del poder, el tipo de financiación, el tamaño de laempresa y el coste fiscal.