Now showing items 401-420 of 576

    • Estudio de la cuenta 

      Sánchez Lara, Mirna (2011-07)
      The work presented is for the second unit of basic accounting program, called the study of the account, it allows us a systematic and orderly control of financial transactions for the company from a set of accounts ...
    • Técnicas de Análisis Aplicables en una Auditoría Administrativa 

      Mendoza Olguín, Yolanda (2011-07)
      La ejecución de la auditoria administrativa requiere obtener evidencias que responde la información, así las técnicas son utilizadas para obtener evidencias suficientes que respalden la información proporcionada ...
    • Enfoque de Auditoría Administrativa 

      Mendoza Olguín, Yolanda (2011)
      The paper presents a method of management audit.
    • Valoración de acciones 

      Bautista Hernández, Ismael (2011-07)
      Valuation of shares The financial management strategies is the most important thing to give the Administrator, and will try to maintain a balance between risk and return on investment, through the maximization of ...
    • Estructura Financiera 

      Bautista Hernández, Ismael (2011-07)
      Every company needs resources to conduct its business or to expand. The start of new projects involving an investment for the company which also require financial resources that can carry out. Where funding sources ...
    • Desarrollo de Estrategias 

      González Pérez, R. Yahir (2011-08)
      The students will understand the concept of strategy and the basic aspects that have to be taken into account when developing and implementing it in order for it to succeed, achieving a solution for the problems they face.
    • Administración Estratégica 

      González Pérez, R. Yahir (2011-08)
      The students will understand the background and the concept of strategic management, its focus and the stages belonging to it. They will understand the importance of having a strategic planning and its advantages.
    • Relación Costo Unitario y Volumen de Producción 

      Cruz Gómez, Omar (2011)
      Reflect a true picture of the calculations based on unit costs and getting the output.
    • Los Costos 

      Cruz Gómez, Omar (2011-07)
      Using the map formulate learning strategies in costs.
    • Formas de negociación 

      Barba Mogica, Juan Jesús (2011-07)
      El presente programa trata sobre las diversas formas de encarar personal y organizacionalmente cualquier tipos de negociación.
    • Ética Griega 

      Morales Téllez, Raúl (2011-10)
      La historia de la ética comienza con Sócrates y los Sofistas. Esta etapa se desarrolla en el siglo V a.C (va del 450 a 400).
    • Ética Cristiana 

      Morales Téllez, Raúl (2011-11)
      Los principales preceptos de la ética cristiana son: presupone la existencia de un ser divino, que ha dictado NORMAS para el cumplimiento Moral, y que la conducta huma es buena si se sujeta a esas normas y malas ...
    • Escuela Científica 

      Moreno Morales, José Armando (2011-07)
    • Empresa Virtual 

      Saenz Hernandez, Rosa Oralia (2011-08)
      Innovative Electronic Business.
    • Empowerment 

      Flores Ramírez, Guillermina (2011-07)
      Today we have the administrative trends and one of them is the tool of empowerment that will help us to organize our workers to engage with it and thus failing to meet company objectives.
    • Elementos del Estado 

      Argüelles Gutiérrez, Marco Antonio; de la Cruz Reyes, Araceli; Reyes Martínez, Maura (2011-08)
      This topic is intended to publicize the integrative elements of the state, which allows the composition between each of them.
    • El Artículo 

      Ortiz González, Mónica (2011-07)
      Is a statement of broad content and different shape which interprets, evaluates, or explains an idea or current events of special importance, according to the conviction of the writer.
    • Ejecución y Control de los Planes de Acción 

      Sagaón Villegas, José (2011-07)
      ACTION PLAN: A tool that provides a model for carrying out the process of action of a company. Leads the user through a basic format for action planning, step by step, covering all the basics to achieve goals.
    • Educación 

      Saenz Hernandez, Rosa Oralia (2011-08)
      Education in the Workplace.
    • Disciplinas que Contribuyen al Campo del Comportamiento 

      Flores Ramírez, Guillermina (2011-07)
      The field of psychology has several branches which helps us understand and better understand human behavior.