Now showing items 1-10 of 26
Portafolios de Inversión
Large companies are not great investments, unless the price is right. The fact of investing may seem simple, but it is not. Many decisions and challenges involved in the process of investing in the current changing financial ...
Gestión y Plan Tecnológico
La Planeación Tecnológica es un proceso institucionalizado dentro de una compañía que permite la introducción de nuevas tecnologías a productos, procesos y servicios. En general, este se basa en el conocimiento profundo ...
Entidad económica
Libro Diario
The aim of this study is know the use of journal in the Accounting.
Implantación del sistema de clasificación industrial de América del Norte en el sistema de cuentas nacionales de México
The aim is to introduce students in macroeconomic analysis of national systems contability
It explains the main features of the morale and morality in man, since it takes its rules of ethics.
Habilidades Directivas
In this century we live in a scientific and technological revolution, every day there are new discoveries. The companies and higher education institutions to establish programs and projects have staff who are ready for ...
Estudio de casos
In this work is exposed Case Study, some features about it, such as: goal, choice and kind.
The Case Study is a qualitative method of the research, due to it uses a small population.
Introducción a los Fundamentos de la Mercadotecnia
The paper presents an approach to marketing and its application in Mexico and the Latin American environment, ie a study that reflected reality. It comes in a didactic, subject and literature, allowing the speaker's degree ...
Manejo de catálogos COI
Los programas de computo facilitan la labor del contador, haciéndola mas rápida y segura el COI facilita las actividades relacionadas con el aspecto operativo, fiscal y contable de una entidad económica.
Computer programs ...