Characterization of aluminum-based coatings, obtained by hot dip processing on low carbon steel

Keywords: Hot dip aluminizing, Conformability, Annealing, Rolling, Low Carbon Steel


This work presents the results from the obtaining and characterization of AISI 1018 low carbon steel samples, hot dip aluminized. The coated pieces were characterized by scanning electron microscopy, microprobe, Vickers microhardness and electrochemical polarization tests in a sodium chloride solution. Some hot-dip aluminized 1018 steel parts were subjected to various annealing, rolling, and rolling-annealing treatments. These pieces were additionally characterized by tensile and drawing tests to generate the limit conformation diagram of the coated samples subjected to the various processing. The results obtained show the excellent corrosion resistance of the coatings and the influence of the presence of Al-Fe intermetallic compounds on the decrease in the formability of the coatings.


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How to Cite
Cervantes Cabello, J., González Parra, J. R., Valdez Navarro, R., Waage Delgadillo, H. S., Hernández Gallegos, M. A., & Barba Pingarrón, A. (2024). Characterization of aluminum-based coatings, obtained by hot dip processing on low carbon steel. Tópicos De Investigación En Ciencias De La Tierra Y Materiales, 11(11), 26-33.