Gualumbos: a gastronomic delight in the state of Hidalgo

Keywords: agave, non-timber forest products, floral gastronomy, traditional uses


The gualumbos are the flowers of the agaves, these are consumed in several states of Mexico and are particularly appreciated by the inhabitants in the indigenous towns, cities and sold in the municipal markets and tianguis of the state of Hidalgo. They are consumed in various recipes and are eaten roasted alone or as stews that accompany other dishes. The consequences of the overexploitation of these flowers are cause of concern, since natural population densities of agaves can be reduced with negative effects on local fauna, particularly on nectarivorous bats, because these flowers are part of their food resources. Despite this, the consumption of these flowers in the Mezquital Valley represents part of the country's cultural heritage and must be preserved.


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