Cultivo de tejidos vegetales para propagar y conservar especies mexicanas amenazadas

Culturing plant tissue to propagate and conserve threatened Mexican species

Keywords: Propagation, conservation, biodiversity, flora


Mexico is classified as a megadiverse country, as it has wide biological and cultural diversity, it also stands out as one of the countries that are center of origin and domestication of important plants, having in the national territory between 10-12% of all species of the world, and of these 50-60% are endemic. Unfortunately, much of this biological wealth is subject to special protection, threatened or in danger of extinction. Plant tissue culture is a biotechnological tool that allows obtaining plants quickly, efficiently and in large quantities, becoming a strategy to mitigate the problems faced by some species. Therefore, the use of science and technology in the recovery of Mexican species is important, as well as promoting their study, propagation and conservation in order to make proposals for the sustainable use of the Mexican flora.


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