Does Hidalgo state have bamboos? “Zaníka” (Rhipidocladum racemiflorum) in the Sierra Otomí-Tepehua

Keywords: Sierra Otomí-Tepehua, zaníka (Rhipidocladum racemiflorum), uses


In the last decade, bamboos have become more important in Mexico and have gone from traditional use to innovative products. In the case of Hidalgo, the "zaníka", "carricillo" or "cañuela" (Rhipidocladum racemiflorum) is naturally present in the Sierra Otomí-Tepehua. There were no records of this bamboo in the state however, people of this region have historically used it to make tools and objects for daily use that persist to this day. However, because this bamboo is extracted from its natural environment, it is important to consider actions in the near future for its propagation and conservation, thus avoiding its possible disappearance.


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