Mexican MSMEs supplier selection under a commercial and environmental approach: Case Pachuca and suburban areas
The selection of suppliers is a decision that contributes to the competitiveness of companies due to its impact on their costs, efficiency and innovation. The purpose of this research is to distinguish which are the criteria used by a group of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) from Hidalgo, Mexico, in order to identify the factors that influence their business and build a supplier evaluation system to guide them to carry out this process with a broader approach than the technical one. The first phase of the investigation includes the search for data from micro, small and medium-sized manufacturing companies, located in four municipalities of the state of Hidalgo, based on information provided by the National Statistical Directory of Economic Units (DENUE). The second stage consists of the application of a questionnaire among the entrepreneurs of the companies. Finally, the third stage included the analysis of the information collected.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Blanca Josefina García Hernández, Ruth Ortiz Zarco, Edgar Esaúl Vite Gómez

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