Determinants of competitiveness and productivity of Mexican SMEs and their relationship with vertical integration
The development of a company is conditioned by its ability to be competitive and productive, however, today there are aspects of utmost importance that have become key factors to achieve this, such as technology, innovation of organizational processes, the ability to market their products and enter new markets, as well as offering a higher quality of them. The strategies to achieve this are vertical integration, distribution channels, sales, age and size of the company, which become part of globalization and its implications in the competitive market, generating a higher growth and productivity level. The objective of this study was to identify the factors that determine the competitiveness of the textile and apparel industry of Mexican companies. This process was carried out by means of the Bivariate statistical method, and a significant correlation was found with the characteristics of the company, marketing channels, percentage of sales and its relationship with vertical integration.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Tirso Javier Hernández Gracia, Danae Duana Avila, Yolanda Marysol Escorza-Sánchez

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