Crowdfunding as a social fundraising strategy for the medical treatment of children with disabilities

Keywords: Crowdfunding, donations, social marketing.


Children with disabilities live with many deficiencies and are excluded from various actions that they should carry out because they do not have health, which is why it is sought to be able to support them through micro-financing (crowdfunding). Therefore, the objective of this article is to establish crowdfunding as a social fundraising strategy for the medical treatment of children with disabilities, for which it was carried out under the thematic analysis methodology to process qualitative information, within the framework of the social phenomenology, the individual identification of the health problem for 11 cases of crowdfunding during the months of October to December 2021. The results obtained in this first stage provided information on the perceptions, opinions, and feelings that the donors had, the data processing was carried out using the ATLAS.ti 22 software. It is concluded that the results help to understand the donors’ behaviour, to be established in the social fundraising strategy.


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