Working Environment at Private Universities in Mexico: Comparative Between Universities with Religious and Non-Religious Focus
The present research work only contemplates the conclusive-descriptive type, through the application of a survey of executives, coordinators, full-time teachers, employees and administrators of participating higher education institutions. The objective was to analyze, evaluate and compare the organizational environment of three private universities. It is, a comparative analysis between the university with a Catholic focus (Jesuit), the university with an Evangelical-Protestant approach (Methodist) and the university with a Non-religion focus (Business). Based on valid Model of Working Environment for Education (MoWAE), who defines the dimensions of the organizational environment, as those characteristics that influence the behavior of individuals and that can be measured. The research was applied to a convenience sample of 175 subjects (survey), who perform functions as career coordinators, administrative coordinators and area managers, as well as administrative, employees and teachers. As results, it can say, that Religion linked to education has been the subject of debate throughout the world and since ancient times. From allowing religious education in public schools, through the impediment to freedom of choice, or freedom of choice and even those who defend secularism in the XXI century. From this perspective, we can conclude that the religious approach in the universities does not improve the work situations or satisfactions of the employees. That is, religion carries implicit concepts such as values, morals and ethics, that we will not define these concepts because they are not the center of research, but we can say that an institution that boasts of having a religious approach, whether Catholic, Evangelical or even Muslim. It must have a coherence of its religious manifestos in the working life of its employees, impacting for good and as an example of the institutions that do not have a religious focus in their statutes, norms or guidelines.
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