Culinary diagnosis of traditional cuisine in the state of hidalgo

Keywords: Ethnography, communities, heritage, gastronomy


The essence is the cultural and historical representation of the Mexican people and it lies in the markets, food inns, public squares but above all, in the stoves of the cooks and their families in the communities of our country, this is how the gastronomic culture of Hidalgo is not only represented by Pastes, exquisite barbecue from Actopan or the emblematic Pulque of pre-Hispanic origins.
Based on ethnographic methodology, interaction was made with communities without incurring the daily activities of people. This methodology allows people from different municipalities to show the activities they do on a daily basis in their community, the cooks that participate were Ms. Porfiria Rodríguez, traditional cook of Santiago de Anaya, Ms. Cristina Martínez Cruz and Florentina, traditional mushroom collectors and cooks from the municipality of Acaxochitlán, in the town of Los Reyes, Mr. Mario Islas Palacio, of work Tlachiquero, among others, are the ones who allowed to know the traditional gastronomy. As the final phase the information processing was carried out, so the present work has as a first term to describe the current situation of the traditional cuisine of the state of Hidalgo and the transcendence that it has had in recent years


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