Application of Value Stream Mapping (VSM) as a Lean Manufacturing management tool.
The Value Stream Mapping (VSM) tool is the graphical representation of the current and future state of the production system, used to identify waste in a specific process and is recommended for companies that want to start on the Lean Manufacturing path. This article presents a documentary analysis of its application to know the benefits and limitations that can be found at the moment of making decisions about it. As a result, it was found that the VSM is easy and simple to apply and consists of five main steps for its development; however, inadequate application, lack of knowledge of the processes, and their complexity requires the use of other tools to complement its results when making decisions.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Alicia Martínez-Cerón, Tirso J. Hernández-Gracia, Danae Duana-Avila

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