Adversity in childhood as a risk and vulnerability factor for intimate partner violence
Adverse childhood experiences (ACE) constitute a complex and devastating phenomenon that has lasting consequences on a person's life. These experiences include, but are not limited to, physical, emotional, or sexual abuse, neglect, abandonment, and exposure to domestic violence. Numerous studies have shown that ACE not only affect the emotional and psychological development of children, but also have profound and lasting implications in adult life, such as the impact on emotional regulation and the formation of healthy relationships, including couple relationships. Research suggests that people who have experienced childhood adversity are at greater risk of finding themselves in violent relationships, either as victims or perpetrators. This connection may be due to a variety of factors, including internalization of abusive behaviour patterns, difficulties in emotional regulation, and low self-esteem. Meanwhile, the objective of this study is to carry out a theoretical review of what has been studied in this regard with the aim of understanding how adverse experiences in childhood can predispose people to intimate partner violence. This knowledge is not only vital for the development of effective prevention strategies, but also for the design of therapeutic interventions that help break the cycle of violence.
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