Instrumental Activities and Quality of LIfe in Older Adults
According to The Activity Theory, the elderly who are involved and participate in more activities than the rest of this population reflect higher levels of satisfaction. These activities must be productive in concordance to the role that the older people assume within their context, in order to strengthen their well-being. Thus, this paper aims to describe the relationship between the frequency and satisfaction of the IADL, and the perception of Quality of life (QOL). Therefore, the design of this paper is non-experimental with a non-probabilistic purposive sample of 16 volunteer older adults who live in Hidalgo. The volunteers signed an informed consent form prior to the application of the Quality of Life questionnaire, older people version (WHOQOL-old) and a survey through an interview about their participation in different productive instrumental activities. The present findings show that the perception of QOL it is not fully determined by the frequency with older people perform those activities. It is concluded that, in older adults, is important both the frequency and satisfaction whit the instrumental activities, because of there are equally important, although participation in productive activities may have an incidence, it is necessary takes into accountant the value or the satisfaction experienced by the elderly during their perform because this influence their perception of well-being
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