Age of onset in musical practice on cognitive functioning

Keywords: attention, memory, executive functions, musical processing


Musical processing has been described as a structural and functional plasticity model in which the areas involved and the connections are modified, these changes depend on several variables, including the start of training. The study of music as a neuropsychological phenomenon has become important because it provides information about the possible cognitive benefits. Objective: Describe and compare how musical practice Describe and compare how musical practice affects cognitive functioning in musicians who began their training at an early and late age.affects cognitive functioning in musicians who began their training at an early and late age. Method: Three groups were formed: A group of early professional musicians, a group of late-start professional musicians and a non-musicians control group. The NEUROPSI battery attention and memory were applied individually. Results: In a descriptive way, it was found that the performance profiles of the three groups behave differently and significant differences were found in memory, attention, executive functions and musical perception, especially among musicians who started before adolescence vs non-musicians. Conclutsions: Early musical practice has a favorable impact on tasks that involve attentional processes, executive functions and memory, although the practice can be beneficial throughout life.


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