Prevalence of Burnout Syndrome in Mexican Employees in Mexico City
The burnout syndrome has been recognized as a global public health problem by the WHO (ICD-11, 2018). Therefore, the aim of this research is to describe the characteristics and prevalence of burnout in Mexican employees and its relationship with sociodemographic, labor, and organizational variables. These research was carried out in two studies: in study 1, 476 workers participated, evidence of validity and reliability of the MBI-GS was found; In study 2, 1110 workers participated, descriptive and parametric analyzes were performed to find out the characteristics and prevalence of Burnout in the sample of participating workers. The results shown that 34.8% are in Danger of manifesting the syndrome and 15.9% are already Burned-out, this indicates that 50.7% of workers have a high probability of suffering damage to their health, both physical, mental and social. Groups identified with the highest percentage in Phase 4 "Burned" were Centennials (32.4%), Private Sector workers (18.1%) and Operating level workers (17.4%).
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