Sociodemographic factors that affect burnout in working mothers versus men
Despite the growing participation of Mexican women in the workforce, women are generally responsible for childcare to a greater extent than men, leading to higher Burnout Outcomes from role overload in working mothers than fathers. The present cross-sectional correlational study sought to find the effects of Having Children and Relationship Status on Burnout Outcomes in a sample of 1,447 working women and men from Mexico City and how these effects if any at all, vary according to sex. An initial analysis showed that participants with children benefited from lower Exhaustion, Dissatisfaction, and Averaged Burnout, but a MANOVA failed to find any significant interaction effects between Sex and Having Children. Relationship status alone could not explain Burnout outcomes, but when analyzed in interaction with Having Children, partnered mothers showed, counterintuitively, higher levels of Exhaustion, Dissatisfaction, and Averaged Burnout than single mothers. Possible explanations and implications are discussed.
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