Theoretical Review of Health Marketing and its Importance in the COVID-19 Pandemic

Keywords: Marketing, Health, COVID-19, Behavioral Change, Mental Health


The contribution that marketing has made in the Health field is marked today more than ever by their psychosocial effects. From the dissemination of information to the appropriate use of technologies. This paper aims to present the most significant marketing elements focused on Health and how it influences the adherence to the Health authorities' strategies in the presence of the COVID-19. Elements of marketing and the essential components that may contribute to the pandemic control, behavioral change, and acquisition of protective behaviors are reviewed. Finally, an overhaul was made to describe deficiencies in healthy behavior acquisition and the factors or components that influence whether current campaigns will or will not have the expected impact on society. Marketing has theoretical and scientific evidence available that explains and exemplifies its influence on acquiring certain behaviors and the importance of making it evident in various fields, such as health, social, and labor.


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