Clinical case: OnLine intervention proposal for a patient with symptoms of depression and anxiety
Anxiety and depression are some of the biggest mental health issues that have been increasing because of the actual contingency that was established because of the coronavirus (COVID-19). Therefore, several studies have developed treatment proposals, an objective that is shared within this case study. The work carried out is a proposal for an intervention based on the Cognitive Behavioral Theory to a 21-year-old female patient, who manifests symptoms of depression and anxiety. The patient was evaluated with the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory, Hamilton Anxiety Scale, Manifest Anxiety Scale in Adults-C, Hamilton Evaluation Scale for Depression, and the Beck-II Depression Inventory. To expand the data, resources such as the Clinical Map of Pathogenesis and the Map of Scope of Goals were used for the functional analysis of the behavior for the formulation of the case. On the other hand, based on the collection of data from the patient and the results obtained, it was determined that the proposal of the most effective strategies for the case was the following: 1. psychoeducation, 2. cognitive restructuring technique, 3. training in breathing techniques, 4. relaxation technique training, 5. sleep hygiene training, and 6. mindfulness technique.
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