Psychological Impact on University Men and Women from Hidalgo, Mexico During the Confinement Due to the SARS-CoV-2 Pandemic
The objective of the research was to evaluate in university students from Hidalgo, México, the psychological impact during distance education, from confinement in the pandemic by the SARS-CoV-2 virus. The research design was non-experimental cross-sectional; Through a non-probabilistic demonstration for convenience, 101 people, 66 women and 35 men participated, with an age range of 17 to 34 years (SD=2.49) (M=21.47), the survey of the information was carried out through a google that include the Symptom Check Inventory -List-90-R of Derogatis so as questions from the ECOVID-ED 2020 Survey. The results show that the temporary cancellation of on-site classes at the educational institution where the young people were studying was related to the presence of psychological symptoms associated with various problems. It was the women, as opposed to the men, who showed greater problems, such as increased perception of bodily discomfort, obsessive thoughts and behaviors, feelings of inferiority and inadequacy, sleep problems, among others, and in the educational area they were the most affected. The COVID-19 pandemic has had a negative impact on the mental health of the population in general, and, on students, who have been one of the most vulnerable groups. Distance classes, lack of economic and technological resources, social distancing, and isolation have intensified the problems, so that adequate attention to the effects or health conditions should be considered when returning to on-site classes.
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