Personality differences among college students according to their career and level of satisfaction
The aim of this study was to analyze personality in college students on third and fourth year from different careers to test the hypothesis that the personality of the students is differentiable according to their career. 259 university students from Oaxaca, México were evaluated; 152 women and 105 men with an average age of 21.37 (SD = 1.92) classified into four groups; engineering, medicine, business, and psychology. The research was quantitative and descriptive, personality was evaluated through the Big Five Inventory. The ANOVA analysis was applied to search for personality differences, no significant comparisons were found to support the initial hypothesis. The information was analyzed again considering the satisfaction variable, when comparing the groups, it was found that satisfied students are more conscientious while dissatisfied students are higher in neuroticism. These differences were significant (R= 0.004** y N< 0.001***) and are consistent with studies on the level of life satisfaction in relation to personality factors.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Karen L. Sánchez-Sumano, Alejandra Patricia Torres Cadeza, Ernesto Reyes-Zamorano, Jesús J. Higareda-Sánchez

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