Listar Presentaciones electrónicas por fecha de publicación
Mostrando ítems 1-20 de 178
Banca Central y Política Monetaria
(2011-07)The monetary policy and credit : their have like object, to fix a control in the financial market, in relation with the money and credits, which stabilize the economic system. -
Análisis de Puestos
(2012-01)Within the presentation is defined job analysis, purpose, characteristics and the different methods that can be used, and the importance of the description and specification of jobs within an organization. -
Elementos Fundamentales en la Actividad Turística
(2012-01)Tourism is an important activity in a global context. It contributes to the economic, social, cultural and enviromental development under standars of quality, maintainance consolidation and improvement of this sector. ... -
Historia antigua
(2012-01)The ancient cultures that presents remarkable for their magnificence and historical legacy is the case of Mesopotamia, Egypt, Greece and China. -
Banca Central y Política Monetaria
(2012-01)The monetary policy and credit : their have like object, to fix a control in the financial market, in relation with the money and credits, which stabilize the economic system. -
Fundamentos de comunicación en las organizaciones
(2012-01)Communication allows us to know each other, to show and demonstrate different ways without losing authenticity. Understand it as an ongoing process of transmission and reception of values, attitudes, actions ... -
Categorías Sociales
(2012-01)The basic concepts of society help us to understand phenomena such as culture and socialization process that are crucial to any analysis of the social system -
Características de los Servicios
(2012-01)The characteristics of the services are: intangibility, inseparability, variability and perishability. Such characteristics must be considered to implement marketing estrategies. -
Conceptos de Valores
(2012-01) -
La Negación
(2012-01)Formation de la négation en situations variées de la vie quotidienne. Son utilisation en temps simples, en temps composés et à l’infinitif. La négation avec la particule «Sans» et avec les articles indefinis, ... -
Introducción a las Relaciones Públicas
(2012-01)Public relations is the area of the organization responsible for working with different audiences: external and internal. -
Los Alimentos / Describir un platillo
(2012-01)Nommer les différentes catégories d’aliments que son servis dans un hôtel ou restaurant. Caractériser un plat. Décrire un plat et les manières de préparation. -
Las partes del cuerpo
(2012-01)Nommer les différentes parties du corps, donner des conseils en cas de problèmes de santé, consultations chez le médecin. Identifier chaque partie du corps et donner des instructions pour faire quelques mouvements. -
Presentación de resultados
(2012-01)The presentation will illustrate elements that make bad design of an oral presentation of technical scientific work with the help of Microsoft PowerPoint and makes recommendations for improving the dissertation. -
Panorama de la mercadotecnia
(2012-01)The marketing landscape has currently very diverse trends that call for the empowerment of different areas and management strategies to keep up the circumstances. -
Introducción al Turismo
(2013-07)Tourism as cultural manifestation is of relatively recent origin with respect to the history of mankind. However, it is useful to know their remote history, especially what economic, social and scientific influenced its ... -
Pluralismo Cultural y Cultura Nacional
(2013-07)Comprender el debate referente a la necesidad de construir una cultura nacional en México que reconozca, integre y construya el espacio adecuado para la convivencia de los diversos pueblos que aún existen y se resisten a ... -
Clasificación de los Restaurantes
(2013-07)The food and beverage area offers a variety of restaurants for all kinds of economic level. -
Proyecto Ecoturístico
(2013-07)This information embodied in a concept map shows the steps to develop an ecotourism project in Mexico, given the importance of identifying the most important to start a project it is recommended that both government, ... -
Animaciones y Transiciones en Power Point 2010
(2013-07)PowerPoint 2010 includes new and improved options for animation to any element of a slide: text or images. Also this version includes the option to slide animations, which is known as transitions. This presentation ...