Now showing items 341-360 of 576

    • Servicios empresariales y consultoría 

      Reyes Vázquez, Sonia Guadalupe (2011-07)
      In this course the student will acquire basic knowledge of consulting, differing forms of diagnosis and being able to plan and implement its image as a consultant. Also, have the ability to develop various forms of ...
    • Proyectos de inversión 

      Reyes Cruz, Juan Luis (2011-07)
      Through the following slide show is looking to introduce in the field of investment projects to be able to distinguish between different types available, identifying the stages that contains a project, and the elements ...
    • Micro y pequeña empresa 

      Reyes Cruz, Juan Luis (2011-07)
      Theoretic and conceptual references and network development of Pymes in the local-regional-global context. Conditions of economic competition faced by small- and medium-size businesses in developing countries suggest ...
    • Administración Estratégica 

      Ayala Hernández, Silvia (2011-07)
      At the end of the semester the student will be able to identify, apply and develop the essential elements in the strategic planning through a project.
    • Impuestos 

      Sánchez González, Maribel (2011)
      In this matter, the students will learn about Mexican law foundations to help theme understand different concepts as: taxes, tax report, some calculations of taxes, notifications, obligations and powers authority ver ...
    • Fundamentos de mercadotecnia 

      Montes de Oca Bárcenas, Leticia (2011-07)
      At the end of the course the student will learn the importance of marketing, its benefits and functions, functional areas to which it relates and need within a social organization and knowledge-oriented consumer ...
    • Taller de informática 

      Duarte Esparza, Luis Alejandro (2011-07)
      When the program the student will understand the use of spreadsheet Intermediate - Advanced, you will have used this package for all types of graphics, applications databases.
    • Presupuestos 

      Reyes Vázquez, Sonia Guadalupe (2011-07)
      The importance of this subject is that the students learn how to raise productivity and competitiveness of a company implementing or improving teacher through budget procedures and projections based on audited financial ...
    • Macroeconomía 

      Ayala Hernández, Silvia (2011-07)
      To provide the student the elements to understand how the economy functions , its structure and the relationship between its main variables such as investment, savings prices, among others.
    • Derecho laboral 

      Unknown author (2011-07)
      The student analyzes the fundamental concepts of labor law, and explain the principles and rules that link the relations between employers and workers and between them and the State.
    • Microeconomía 

      Ayala Hernández, Silvia (2011-07)
      At the end of the semester the student will know the elements of the microeconomics, the market development, the several techniques of production, costs, expenses and prices respectively.
    • Teoría y diseño organizacional 

      Reyes Cruz, Juan Luis (2011-07)
      In this course we know the basic administrative foundations, organizational theory, power and distribution of authority, effective organization and culture.
    • Derecho constitucional administrativo 

      Unknown author (2011-07)
      Students will learn an overview of our country based on our Constitution as a legal maximum in the country, their rights and obligations as governed, as well as understand why and operation of administrative law.
    • Escuelas Administrativas 

      Reyes Cruz, Juan Luis (2011-07)
      This course shows the function and scope of the administrator, the different management approaches, their theoretical and practical perspectives, the historical development of management in Europe and Mexico, the ...
    • Definición de mercados financieros 

      Unknown author (2011-07)
    • Definición de mercadotecnia 

      Unknown author (2011-07)
    • Definición de finanzas internacionales 

      Unknown author (2011-07)
    • Definición de finanzas 

      Unknown author (2011-07)
    • Definición de administración financiera 

      Unknown author (2011-07)