Now showing items 41-60 of 72

    • Estudio de la cuenta 

      Sánchez Lara, Mirna (2011-07)
      The work presented is for the second unit of basic accounting program, called the study of the account, it allows us a systematic and orderly control of financial transactions for the company from a set of accounts ...
    • Evento de capacitación 

      Rodríguez Vite, Higor (2011-07)
      This unit is implementing a training event. When the course is well planned and well organized preparation, implementation will not have setbacks. Organisers must ensure that participants easily and safely reach the ...
    • La Ética 

      Morales Téllez, Raúl (2011)
    • Ética Cristiana 

      Morales Téllez, Raúl (2011-11)
      Los principales preceptos de la ética cristiana son: presupone la existencia de un ser divino, que ha dictado NORMAS para el cumplimiento Moral, y que la conducta huma es buena si se sujeta a esas normas y malas ...
    • Ética Griega 

      Morales Téllez, Raúl (2011-10)
      La historia de la ética comienza con Sócrates y los Sofistas. Esta etapa se desarrolla en el siglo V a.C (va del 450 a 400).
    • Finanzas internacionales 

      Ayala Hernández, Silvia (2011-07)
      The course provides the students the knowledge of the economic variables that have the international financial markets which affect the private and public corporations, to increase the capital and to create portfolios ...
    • Formas de negociación 

      Barba Mogica, Juan Jesús (2011-07)
      El presente programa trata sobre las diversas formas de encarar personal y organizacionalmente cualquier tipos de negociación.
    • Funciones de la Investigación de Mercados 

      Flores Ramírez, Guillermina (2011)
      This theme is about the most important functions to perform a good market research so we can better understand customer needs.
    • Fundamentos de mercadotecnia 

      Montes de Oca Bárcenas, Leticia (2011-07)
      At the end of the course the student will learn the importance of marketing, its benefits and functions, functional areas to which it relates and need within a social organization and knowledge-oriented consumer ...
    • Garantías de Igualdad 

      Argüelles Gutiérrez, Marco Antonio (2011)
      Translates into a legal relationship between the governor and the state and its authorities on the other hand, constituting the primary content of public subjective rights that this link is derived.
    • Gestión del Conocimiento como Vía de Creación de Empleos 

      Saenz Hernandez, Rosa Oralia (2011-08)
      Knowledge management, job boards and electronic media.
    • Grupos de trabajo 

      Sánchez Lara, Mirna (2011-07)
      The work presented is for a third unit of the management program, called working groups, it allows us to analyze the different groups in the work area.
    • Impuestos 

      Sánchez González, Maribel (2011)
      In this matter, the students will learn about Mexican law foundations to help theme understand different concepts as: taxes, tax report, some calculations of taxes, notifications, obligations and powers authority ver ...
    • Impuestos. Facultades de comprobación 

      Sánchez Lara, Mirna (2011-07)
      The work presented is the fifth unit of the tax program, called the power of inspection, it allows us to analyze the different powers of verification to ensure that taxpayers, or third parties jointly liable with them ...
    • Macroeconomía 

      Ayala Hernández, Silvia (2011-07)
      To provide the student the elements to understand how the economy functions , its structure and the relationship between its main variables such as investment, savings prices, among others.
    • Marco Teórico Conceptual 

      Ortiz González, Mónica (2011)
      The information collected for the theoretical framework will provide a thorough understanding of the theory that gives meaning to research. Taking into account the considerations necessary for the development of research ...
    • Mercado de Opciones 

      González Pérez, R. Yahir (2011-08)
      The students will understand what an option market is. they will learn the different kinds of stock and the factors that influence their cost as well as the currency risk.
    • Mercados Interbancarios 

      González Pérez, R. Yahir (2011-08)
      The students will understand what the interbank market is and its functions for society, as well as the operations that can be made in it. They will make a comparative table where they will express the differences ...
    • Métodos y Técnicas de Evaluación de Proyectos de Inversión 

      Bautista Hernández, Ismael (2011-07)
      Methods and Techniques of Evaluation of Investment Projects When a company makes an investment or business incurs a cash disbursement in order to generate future economic benefits that provide an attractive return for ...
    • Micro y pequeña empresa 

      Reyes Cruz, Juan Luis (2011-07)
      Theoretic and conceptual references and network development of Pymes in the local-regional-global context. Conditions of economic competition faced by small- and medium-size businesses in developing countries suggest ...