Now showing items 21-40 of 53

    • How to introduce yourself in English 

      Rojas Vite, Cristhian (2021-10-01)
      With the following power point slides, you will learn how to introduce yourself when you speak English. Remember that when you want to start speaking English to another person you have to say certain and specific words to ...
    • How to introduce yourself in English A1 

      Rojas Vite, Cristhian (2024-06-30)
      With the following power point slides, you will learn how to int roduce yourself when you speak English. Remember that when you want to start speaking English to another person you have to say certain and specific words ...
    • II. Theoretical Framework for the Research Study 

      Occeña Gallardo, Eleanor (2016)
      RESUMEN DEL LIBRO: The research presented in the first part of a longitudinal study whose aim is to obtain a better understanding of students' academic behavior from the time they enroll the university until the conclusion ...
    • III. Research Methodology 

      Occeña Gallardo, Eleanor (2016)
      RESUMEN DEL LIBRO: The research presented in the first part of a longitudinal study whose aim is to obtain a better understanding of students' academic behavior from the time they enroll the university until the conclusion ...
    • Indefinite pronouns some, any, no, every 

      Rojas Vite, Cristhian (2018-10-01)
      The indefinite pronouns are those which refer to one or more unspecified objects, beings, or places. They are called “indefinite” just because they do not indicate the exact object, being, or place to which they ...
    • Learning the English alphabet 

      Rojas Vite, Cristhian (2024-07-31)
      Learning the English alphabet may seem something pretty simple. In fact, with the right method, it is quickly to remember the entire English alphabet with out getting confused.
    • El modelo educativo de la UAEH y la evaluación de los aprendizajes de la licenciatura en Enseñanza de la Lengua Inglesa 

      Hidalgo Avilés, Hilda (2010)
      Esta es una investigación exploratoria y descriptiva cuyo propósito fue analizar la correspondencia curricular del Modelo Educativo de la UAEH y la evaluación de los aprendizajes de la Licenciatura en Enseñanza de la ...
    • Multiple Intelligences in the Language Classroom 

      Espinosa Butrón, Norma Angélica (2012)
    • Past Perfect 

      Piedra Mayorga, María del Socorro (2019-06-30)
      On next presentation you will see a brief explanation of Past Perfect This tense is most used for the next: 1. For actions that happened before a past event 2. In reported speech 3. In if (conditional sentences Take ...
    • Planear proyectos futuros 

      Trujillo Castillo, Paulina (2018-04-01)
      The following presentation contains some questions which can be useful to practice speaking skills, specifically, to talk about future plans or intentions.
    • Reflexive pronouns 

      Sánchez Franco, Leticia (2019-06-30)
      Los pronombres reflexivos se utilizan cuando el sujeto y objeto es el mismo, o bien para enfatizar uno de estos.
    • La relación entre el estudiante y el profesor 

      Paredes Zepeda, Bertha Guadalupe (2015)
      En este libro se presentas siete visiones relativas a la educación superior mexicana, abordando los problemas y retos que enfrentan las universidades, desde su contribución a la formación de los ciudadanos, hasta los ...
    • Reported Speech 

      Vázquez Nava, Adriana (2017-08-31)
      Reported Speech is a way how we report what someone has said by changing some of the words said, but retaining the same meaning.

      Paredes Zepeda, Bertha Guadalupe (2012)
    • Rutinas y estados temporales 

      Trujillo Castillo, Paulina (2018-04-01)
      When speaking about actions happening at the moment of speaking, we use what in English is known as Present Continuous.
    • El sentido de pertenencia en la observación de la práctica docente 

      Funderburk Razo, Rosa María (2011)
      Cambio o innovación a la práctica diaria implican resistencia. El lente a través del cual los docentes ven y posteriormente experimentan dichos cambios filtra y posteriormente sirve de base para que los participantes se ...
    • Skimming and scanning to improve your reading comprehension 

      Sánchez Franco, Leticia (2018-04-01)
      En esta presentación se describen dos estrategias básicas para responder de manera efectiva la sección de comprensión lectora del examen de certificación TOEFL.
    • Superlatives in English. 

      Rojas Vite, Cristhian (2018-05-01)
      En las siguientes diapositivas, prenderás a como usar los adjetivos para crear oraciones y formar oraciones utilizando superlativos. Palabras