• Alternate marketing communication 

      Rosales Brito, Carlos Iván (2015-07-01)
      It is often said that having a unique product with many benefits and superior to the competition is useless as long as the consumer is unaware of its existence; hence communication strategies acquire a very important role ...
    • Caso de estudios: red station wings 

      Rosales Brito, Carlos Iván (2015-07-01)
      Red Station Wings llega a la ciudad de Pachuca a finales del año 2011 trayendo un concepto nuevo en su estilo e innovador para esta ciudad, siendo originarios de esta misma los socios y fundadores, se caracterizaron por ...
    • Importance of the image in pymes 

      Rosales Brito, Carlos Iván (2015-07-01)
      It is normally understood that the image of the brand is unique and exclusively for the big firms, nevertheless, at present, in competitive and globalised the real world, the Mi PYMES must use resources to keep updated and ...
    • Price as rentability factor 

      Rosales Brito, Carlos Iván (2015-07-01)
      It has been said in multiple documents, that price is the element of the mixture of marketing that generates income for a firm, therefore it is of vital importance to fix it in a proper manner, for a firm to reach its ...
    • Reposicionamiento angelical: los angeles azules vuelan alto 

      Rosales Brito, Carlos Iván (2015-07-01)
      Muchas veces se ha dado el caso en el que una marca que llegó a la cima del éxito y tuvo un momento de gran auge, con el paso del tiempo atreviese por un momento de incertidumbre y vaya decayendo. Algunas veces con algunos ...