Risk factors for school dropout in high school students during the pandemic COVID-19. Content validation of an instrument

Keywords: Dropout, education, content validity, risk factors, instrument validation


As a result of the SARS-COV-II pandemic, there was a change in education, most schools in the world moved from face-to-face to virtual education, which led to an increase in school dropout rates. Given this new scenario, it is necessary to have an instrument that accounts for these new factors that play a role in school dropout, therefore, the general objective of this research was the validation and confidence of the content of an instrument that measures the possible risk factors for school dropout during the SARS-COV-II pandemic in men and women in a public high school that transitioned from a face-to-face system to a virtual one. A questionnaire was designed based on a theoretical review; for the validation of content, an expert judgment was carried out, a manual was prepared containing a first structured questionnaire with 41 items and 6 risk factors, 5 experts evaluated each item according to three categories 1) wording and clarity, 2) content and 3) relevance and congruence. A Kappa analysis was performed and obtained K=.480 for wording and clarity, K=.462 for content, and K=.403 for relevance and congruence. These values indicated that the degree of agreement among the experts was moderate, and the pertinent changes were made. Subsequently, for reliability, a pilot test of the corrected questionnaire with 36 items (and seven risk factors: economic, family, emotional, health, connectivity, academic, academic effort), was applied to a sample of 132 students attending UNAM high school at that time. A confidence analysis was carried out and the internal consistency of the instrument was obtained with a McDonald's ordinal alpha w of .903. The instrument presented adequate psychometric properties of validity and reliability.


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Author Biographies

Lourdes A. Gómez-Velázquez, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México

Degree in Psychology from FES-Iztacala. With this article she hopes to obtain the degree of Master in Psychology by FES-Iztacala.

Lines of research:1. School desertion.

Curricular synthesis:Undergraduate and graduate studies at UNAM. She obtained her bachelor's degree with honors in Psychology. She has just finished a Master's Degree in Teaching for Secondary Education (MADEMS) at UNAM.

Hortensia Hickman-Rodríguez, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México

Full Professor "C", T. C., Facultad de Estudios Superiores Iztacala, UNAM. B.A. and M.A. in Psychology from FES-Iztacala, Ph.D. in Pedagogy from Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, UNAM.

Research interests:

Teaching practices in higher education. Analysis and evaluation with mista methodology from the point of view of students and professors.
Academic trajectories.
Study of complex behavior in humans.
Curricular synthesis:

Undergraduate and graduate studies at UNAM. Obtained the degree of doctor with honorable mention. Participates as a member of the research project on human learning at FES-Iztacala. Teacher in the psychology career at FES-Iztacala. She has published scientific papers in national and international indexed journals. She has been coordinator of scientific books and has participated as collaborator in scientific books. She is a member of the National System of Researchers and the Mexican Council of Educational Research.

Her publications include the following:

1. Hickman, R. H., Garnica, C. I., Cepeda, I. L., Plancarte, P. and Arroyo, H. R. (2013). Analysis of planning strategies in university students. Electronic Journal of Psychology. 16 (2). ISSN: 1870-8420

2. Landesmann, M., Hickman, H., & Parra, G. (2013). Disciplinary affiliation and institutional spaces during formative processes. Integration and knowledge. Mercosur Educativo. Vol. 2, 153-164.

Parra, G., Hickman, H. and Landesmann, M. (2013). The Xalapa group and the consolidation of behaviorism in Mexico: An approach to the constitution of a discipline from an intellectual network. Revista Electrónica de Psicología Iztacala, Vol. 16, No. 1, 46-64.

4. Landesmann, M. and Hickman, H. (2013).The institutionalization of scientific disciplines in Mexico, 18th, 19th and 20th centuries. In: M. Kleiche-Dray, J. Zubieta and M.L. Rodríguez (coordiandoras). Mexico: UNAM-IIS, IRD. pp. 435-450.

5. Hickman, H. (2013). The subjective dimension of academics. In: C. Saucedo, C. Guzmán, E. Sandoval and J. Galaz (coordinators). Students, teachers and academics in educational research. Tendencias, aportes y debates. Mexico: COMIE/ANUIES. Pp. 439-457.

6.Hickman, H. (2014). Academic trajectories of founders and the institutionalization of the psychology career in Xalapa, Ver. In: M. Landesmann (coordinator). Instituciones educativas, trayectorias e identidades de sus sujetos. Mexico: UNAM-Colección de Estudios de Posgrado en Pedagogía/Díaz de Santos, pp. 261-292.

Moreno, D., Plancarte. P., Arroyo, R., Cepeda, I L., Hickman, H., & Bautista, L. (2014). Protocol analysis and the tower of London as strategies for the study of human behavior: comparison between children and adults. In: L. I. Cepeda (Coordinator). Theoretical-methodological advances in studies of complex human behavior. FES Iztacala UNAM.

8. Cepeda, M.L., Hickman, H., Arroyo, R., Moreno, D. and Plancarte, P. (2015).Tower of London task difficulty index in children and adults. International Journal of Psychology and Psychological Therapy. 15, 1, pp. 117-132.

8. Hickman, H., Alarcón, M.E., Cepeda, M.L., Cabrera, R. And Torres, X. (2016). Meaning of good teacher and teacher evaluation by university students and teachers. The technique of semantic networks. Synectica, 47, pp. 1-16.

9. Parra, G., Hickman, H., Landesmann, M. And Pasillas, M. (2017). Pedagogical transmission and disciplinary identity: a case analysis. Electronic Journal of Educational Research. Vol. 19, 1, pp. 98-109.

Among the theses he has directed are the following:
Valerio Sánchez José. Representaciones respecto a la docencia de profesores de psicología de la FES-Iztacala.
Gracida Hernández Noé. Influence of planning in problem solving.
Ruiz Alvarez Viridiana. Relationship between retrospective verbal protocols and solution of a complex task in children and adults.
Olvera Tlamani Brenda. Expert judgment as content validity in a teacher evaluation instrument.
Gómez Sánchez Diana Angélica. Validation of an evaluation instrument on teaching practices.

Contact information:

Telephone: 56-23-11-56

Main e-mail address: hortensiahickman@gmail.com

Alternate e-mail: hortensia.hickman@iztacala.unam.m


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How to Cite
Gómez-Velázquez, L. A., & Hickman-Rodríguez, H. (2023). Risk factors for school dropout in high school students during the pandemic COVID-19. Content validation of an instrument. Educación Y Salud Boletín Científico Instituto De Ciencias De La Salud Universidad Autónoma Del Estado De Hidalgo, 11(22), 13-21. https://doi.org/10.29057/icsa.v11i22.10588