Maladaptive daydreaming as a stress response in adolescents

Keywords: Maladaptive daydreaming, adolescence, stress


Adolescence is a stage of changes in the subject, which are both physical and psychological. Also, at this stage a high level of stress is usually experienced due to the different challenges it offers, and therefore, young people can develop anxiety, depression, or other disorders. On the other hand, excessive daydreaming is a relatively new disorder, which consists of the creation of fantasy worlds, which affects the functioning in significant areas for the individual. The objective of this research is to expose the relationship between adolescence, stress, and excessive daydreaming. In conclusion, adolescents who experience a high level of stress can develop various conditions, including excessive daydreaming. Even so, there is some difficulty when it comes to intervening when this disorder is already present, since sometimes not enough attention is paid to it and it can be confused as a symptom of another disorder. In this way, it is important that adolescents look for strategies to deal with stress, such as mediation or going to psychological therapy.


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How to Cite
Reyes Chávez, J. E. (2024). Maladaptive daydreaming as a stress response in adolescents. Educación Y Salud Boletín Científico Instituto De Ciencias De La Salud Universidad Autónoma Del Estado De Hidalgo, 12(24), 47-52.