The blindness of the self: individuality and truth in Saramago

Keywords: Adversities, individualism, identity, autonomy, existentialism, freedom


In his outstanding literary work Ensayo sobre la ceguera, José Saramago, a renowned Portuguese author, offers us a profound reflection on human nature in the face of political adversity and uncertainty. Using the metaphor of white blindness, Saramago invites us to examine the fragility of our existence and to question our rooted beliefs. His message, which transcends the boundaries of time, reveals itself as a powerful existentialist exploration of individual freedom and responsibility in the face of the challenges of life. Through his insightful and penetrating narrative, the author urges us to face difficulties with mental clarity and emotional strength, providing a valuable guide to inner well-being amidst external turbulence.


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Saramago, J. (1995). Ensayo sobre la ceguera (P. del Río, Trad.). Alfaguara.

How to Cite
Balderas Islas, R. (2024). The blindness of the self: individuality and truth in Saramago. Educación Y Salud Boletín Científico Instituto De Ciencias De La Salud Universidad Autónoma Del Estado De Hidalgo, 12(24), 88-89.