Criminal Profiling Technique: Development, application and reliability

  • Gilberto Palma Ramírez Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Hidalgo
  • María Luisa Arambula Díaz de León Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Hidalgo
  • Lizbeth Hernández Rosalio Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Hidalgo
Keywords: Criminal profiling, technique, forensic, criminology, serial murder, behavioural advisors


The technique of criminal profiling is addressed in its development, application and reliability, the introduction shows how throughout history the various circumstances and related characters have paid to the evolution of this technique. The development is based on methodological lines or approaches: 1. Diagnostic evaluation, 2. Deductive approach, 3. Statistical approach: Inductive, 4. Geographical focus, 5. Approach (BIA) Behavioral research counseling, the latter combines the advantages of previous approaches, marking a milestone when dismissing the criminal profiling term considering it obsolete and proposing to change it to behavioral advisors during the criminal investigation. Its application initially covered the crimes of serial murder and rape, now it is suggested to extend the range of use to cases of kidnapping, arson, fraud, theft, terrorist attacks and cybercrime. Reliability is a subject of great interest and concern. To date, considerable efforts have been made to demonstrate the usefulness and validity of the criminal profiling technique.The present study is based on sources of documentary review, in addition to having made personal contacts with what is currently considered the best criminal profiler in the world, Brent E. Turvey, PhD and with the master in forensic criminology specializing in design of criminal profiles Alfredo Velazco Cruz, pioneer of criminal profiling in our country, in the first Congress of Forensic Investigation and Criminal Profiling in Guadalajara Jalisco, in 2015, and in the course of Criminal Profiling in Mexico City in 2016, respectively, for them my admiration and gratitude.


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How to Cite
Palma Ramírez, G., Arambula Díaz de León, M. L., & Hernández Rosalio, L. (2018). Criminal Profiling Technique: Development, application and reliability. Educación Y Salud Boletín Científico Instituto De Ciencias De La Salud Universidad Autónoma Del Estado De Hidalgo, 7(13), 147-154.