Lack of knowledge as a risk factor for contracting COVID-19: What are we facing?

Keywords: Misinformation, COVID 19, socioeconomic status, risk factor


Objective: To identify the risk factors in the socioeconomic environment, which makes us as a university community, to develop infection by SARS-CoV2.

Methodology: A 20-item tool assessed participants' knowledge of COVID-19. Questions related to age, gender, socioeconomic status, educational level, place of origin, religion, source of information used, and preventive measures against COVID-19 were included.

Results: The average age of the participants were 25.1 years, 62.5% being female and 37.5% male, 34 participants practicing Catholicism and 4 Christianity and its variants. A third belong to an urban locality and a minority of 3% belong to a rural locality, 55%, of the households of families do not have studies. Scientific dissemination texts predominate as a source of information, 23 people have left their home 1-3 times. In the event of going out into the street, 32 people responded that they use face masks, they all have the resources to purchase one. In public places 96.9% maintain a healthy distance, 18 people had contact with a suspect or confirmed patient with COVID-19 infection.

Conclusions: Distinguishing between misinformation and mistrust driven by inequality and moving away from the language of "conspiracy beliefs" can help avoid pushing people to endorse misinformation, as well as disseminating appropriate prevention measures and informing about the risk factors of COVID-19 to nearby communities to reduce the risk of infection.


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How to Cite
Camacho-Osornio, D., Franco-Escobar, L., Garcia-De los Santos, A., Pérez-Cordova, L., Rangel, D., & Sales-Bustillos, R. (2020). Lack of knowledge as a risk factor for contracting COVID-19: What are we facing?. Educación Y Salud Boletín Científico Instituto De Ciencias De La Salud Universidad Autónoma Del Estado De Hidalgo, 9(17), 13-18.