Impact of the correct completion of the surgical safety checklist by the nursing staff and the prevention of errors in the operating room

Keywords: Surgery, patient, list


The World Alliance for the Security of the Patient of the WHO, presented the campaign “sure safe Surgery lives”, with the intention of improving the safety of the surgeries in the whole world, derived of that the surgical complications represent a problem of imminent health to the being the third cause of death on a global scale, being mostly preventable. This investigation performs big importance to evaluate the fulfillment of the List of Cross-check of the safety of the surgery, since at state level it has been observed that it is not applied and this reverberates in the health of the patient with the target to analyze the relation of the filling of the list of cross-check of the safety of the surgery and the prevention of errors on the part of the personnel of infirmary in the field of operating theatre in the hospital deprived of the second level. The methodology used is non-experimental, cross-cutting, with a population of 20 nursing professionals belonging to nursing personnel working in the hospital's operating area. Results of the 20 participants 70% say nurses check the safe surgery list in a timely manner. Conclusion in this study concludes that based on the results obtained it is identified that the participation of nurses in filling the Surgery Safety Checklist is indispensable so that the one members of the surgical team do not make mistakes.


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How to Cite
Alva García, C., Contreras Mejía , A. A., Hernández Vargas, S., Sánchez Martínez , D., Cuevas Cansino, J. J., & Barrera Gálvez , R. (2022). Impact of the correct completion of the surgical safety checklist by the nursing staff and the prevention of errors in the operating room. Educación Y Salud Boletín Científico Instituto De Ciencias De La Salud Universidad Autónoma Del Estado De Hidalgo, 10(20), 148-152.

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