Más allá del IMC: la salud física y la composición corporal como pilares de la salud

  • HA Solís-Hernández Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Hidalgo
  • M. Porta-Lezama Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Hidalgo
Keywords: BMI, physical health, body composition


Prolonged physical activity helps to reduce the risk of coronary heart disease and improves cardio-respiratory functions, this activity in the training should be conducted on a regular and consistent way; it must contain actions to develop or improve aerobic capacity, body composition, and building flexibility and strength exercises. Training for health, based on scientific evidence, is aimed at performing aerobic or resistance exercises, as well as the mobility and strength, which have positive influence on the decrease of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular accidents. Other elements that make up the health training are speed, coordination and mobility. The resistance training produces cardiovascular adaptations morphological and functional, for example: decrease in heart rate, increase in the volume of cavities and the thickness of the parietal thickness, increased stroke volume, increased myocardial capillary density and capacity expansion. Other benefits of this type of training are the prevention and/or reduction of high blood pressure, improves lipid profile (reduced triglycerides and low-density lipoprotein cholesterol), improves blood circulation, improves the strength and muscle endurance (this facilitates other activities of daily living), improves personal image, improves digestion and regularity of the bowel.

The study of body composition is useful to investigate the relationship between the human body, health status, modifications and developments both physiological and bodily diseases. It is possible to analyze the body weight through the percentage of fat mass and fat free mass percentage. Fat mass is represented by lipids found in the fatty deposits, which should not be confused with adipose tissue because it contains fat, water and protein. Fat-free mass refers to all the elements in our body such as protein, water and minerals, everything that is not fat. The body mass index is an indicator that relates to the weight and the size. It is widely used for the evaluation of overweight and obesity, represented in kilograms over square meters (kg/m2) where you get a parameter both qualitative and quantitative, from which is derived the classification established in malnutrition, normal weight, overweight and obesity. It is not a completely accurate indicator, but there is the advantage of using it for body evaluation since it is very easy to learn, inexpensive and easy to handle. A joint mobility is defined as the extension of the arc of movement. Extension/journey of a joint level depends on structural or static factors, and dynamic or physiological factors. Flexibility is defined as the ability to move muscles and joints in all their amplitude easily without causing injury. The force is the ability by the neuromuscular system to overcome obstacles of concentric and dynamically, counteract obstacles eccentric and dynamically form, or sustain obstacles either static or isometric.

The endurance is the ability of the body to maintain or resist fatigue of any physical activity with some level of intensity during a set time. The resistance can be divided into 2 types: resistance aerobic or anaerobic endurance. Resistance of aerobic type depends on the cardiovascular system and respiratory, which carry oxygen and they are related to the nervous and musculoskeletal system. When the endurance is used, the heartbeat and blood circulation increases, intensities are between 60-90% of maximum heart rate. Speed is the relationship between a distance travelled and the time that is used for the body to move in this same distance. Normally in athletes is known as sprint. The following factors are needed in order to develop it and increase it: time of the driving reaction, movement speed, frequency of movements, and amplitude of movements. The coordination is defined as the operation carried out by the central nervous system (CNS) and skeletal muscles together to carry out a succession of movements. Referred to as a qualitative element of the movement itself, which is dependent on the degree of development of the CNS, the genetic potential to control the movement of the stimuli received and motor learning outcomes obtained during life. The blood pressure is the force that blood creates when it held its circulation in the arteries. Blood pressure is divided into 2 parts to properly measure its flow: (SBP) systolic blood pressure and diastolic blood pressure (DBP). SBP carries out the measurement of the force of blood flow in arteries to the moment in which the heart contracts and the DBP measures the force of the blood flow in arteries when the heart relaxes.


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How to Cite
Solís-Hernández, H., & Porta-Lezama, M. (2014). Más allá del IMC: la salud física y la composición corporal como pilares de la salud. Educación Y Salud Boletín Científico Instituto De Ciencias De La Salud Universidad Autónoma Del Estado De Hidalgo, 3(5). https://doi.org/10.29057/icsa.v3i5.786