Quality of life and quality of death from COVID-19
With the arrival of SARS-CoV-2 worldwide, there was a change in the way of living and relating among the population, social distancing and the security measures adopted, personally and collectively, as well as other micro-losses to the that individuals and societies clashed; the fear of getting sick due to the lack of a specific treatment, the complications after the disease, the high mortality due to COVID-19; the change, or the absence, of farewell rituals for relatives, acquaintances and friends who have died from the disease; as well as everything that is lived personally in the course of this pathology that still has no end; These are elements that well deserve to be analyzed if we consider the impact they have had on the quality of life and death.
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Copyright (c) 2022 María del Consuelo Cabrera-Morales, Josefina Reynoso-Vazquez, María del Refugio Acuña Gurrola, Bertha Maribel Pimentel Pérez, Lydia López Pontigo, Patricia Cabrera Morales , Jesús Carlos Ruvalcaba Ledezma

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