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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • I expressly declare that the document submitted has not been published partially or totally in any other journal (or an explanation has been provided in this regard in the Comments to the editor).
  • The shipping file must be under the following [Template]
  • I have downloaded and signed the Letter of Assignment of Rights to attach to my submission
  • I know the process to successfully complete the shipment under the following [Guide for Authors]

Author Guidelines

Publication guideline for the journal Mexican Bioethics Review ICSa

The manuscripts should follow the next criteria:

  1. The reception, revision and approval of the manuscripts will be explicitly through the OJS (Open Journal System) platform, so the manuscripts will NOT be accepted by any other means.
  2. The manuscripts should be in the designated template. Respecting typography, font sizes, line spacing, styles, reference format, etc., of each element that integrates the template.
  3. The manuscript must be in Word format (ending .doc or .docx) and letter size.
  4. It is recommended to avoid excessive use of footnotes.
  5. The length of the manuscripts should be as follows:
    • Empirical works of 10 to 20 pages.
    • Theoretical works (essays, free and systematic reviews of the literature), as well as case studies, from 5 to 15 pages.

Requirements for manuscript submission:

For the revision and acceptance of the manuscripts in Mexican Bioethics Review, it is mandatory that they comply with the elements described below:

Cover page

  1. Title. In Spanish and English, it should be consistent with the content of the manuscript, brief and clear, with a maximum of 15 words. It is recommended to avoid the use of abbreviations, acronyms or codes, unless it is inevitable.
  2. Authors. It includes author’s first name followed by the last name separated with a short script (if the two last names are used) without specifying academic degree, and for middle names only the first one is placed (for example: María R. Acuña-Gurrola).
  • A numerical superscript has to indicate author’s affiliation (institution, academic area and department, country and state. For example: María R. Acuña-Gurrola1 1 Autonomous University of the State of Hidalgo (UAEH), Mexico, Hidalgo).
  • Include email and ORCID from the authors with the following structure: https://orcid.org/xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx, which although not mandatory, facilitates the citation procedure.
  • The email of all authors must be included and the corresponding author must be indicated with an asterisk.
  1. Abstract. In Spanish and English, with a maximum of 250 words, it must include the problem statement, main objective, methods or identification of the participants and background as the case may be, results (or development of the essay), discussion and/or main conclusions. At the end it must contain four keywords (in Spanish and English), additionally it is recommended that these are not the same as in the title.

Subsequent pages

The content will be developed based on the type of manuscript.

Elements required for empirical articles:

  1. Introduction. Corresponds to the development of current conceptual-theoretical and referential background. The background should logically lead to the problem statement (justification, question[s], objective[s] and hypothesis).
  2. Methodology. It must include: a) research design and type of study; b) sampling, number and relevant characteristics of the participants, inclusion, exclusion and elimination criteria (or experimental death) and, where necessary, group assignment strategies; c) evaluation/intervention scenario; d) instruments or tools for evaluation and or intervention, with the respective reliability and validity data, as well as composition and general characteristics, in addition, if necessary, this section must include informed consent and/or data card generals; e) apparatus, materials and/or resources; f) procedure (phases, sequence, steps and / or sessions, etc.); g) indicate compliance with ethical aspects, attached to the corresponding discipline code and/or to the Helsinki’s declaration (http://www.wma.net/es/30publications/10policies/b3/17c.pdf).
  3. Description and analysis of results. It includes the coherent writing of relevant findings, in a clear way, if necessary include tables and figures (cited in the text and with the corresponding source). In this regard, it is important to consider that the tables and/or figures are unpublished (of their own elaboration) or indicate their source, in the case of using photographs, the accepted formats are PNG, JPG preferably with a size of 1080 pixels wide, they must be free of copyright or without a protected license (or with the respective authorization for use in the publication). In addition, an analysis of the relevance of the findings should be made.
  4. Conclusion. It must contain the most important contributions of the study; therefore, it must be explicitly expressed. In this section, the limitations of the study are pointed out and it is proposed how to solve them, as well as new lines of research.
  5. References. Based on the template, in order of citation, Vancouver format and, as far as possible, include URL or DOI. Authors are requested to review and thoroughly check each of the references.
  6. Appendix or supplementary material. That the author considers pertinent.
  7. Optional information. If necessary, include financing or economic support, human resources or logistics.

Note: research reports should clarify that they are part or advance of a broader investigation, indicating the details, to avoid Self-Plagiarism.


Elements required for case study:

  1. Introduction. It corresponds to the development of the current conceptual-theoretical and/or referential background on the subject to be embroidered in the case study. Include the justification of why the case presented is important for the community in the field of study.
  2. Identification of the participant (s) or subject (s). Ethical considerations for the election and identification of the participants, attached to regulations in force in the work with human and infrahuman subjects (for example, the Regulation of the General Law of Health in Research Matters for Health that can be consulted in the following link : http://www.salud.gob.mx/unidades/cdi/nom/compi/rlgsmis.html).
  3. Description of the problem. It must include the analysis and description of the object of study, setting the goals of the treatment or intervention, study of the therapeutic or intervention objectives, selection of the most appropriate treatments, tools or strategies, selection and application of the techniques and instruments of evaluation.
  4. Description and analysis of results. It includes the coherent writing of the most important findings, in a clear way, if necessary include tables and figures (cited in the text and with the corresponding source). In this regard, it is important to consider that the tables and / or figures are unpublished (of their own elaboration) or indicate their source, in the case of using photographs, the accepted formats are PNG, JPG preferably with a size of 1080 pixels wide, they must be free of copyright or without a protected license (or with the respective authorization for use in the publication). In addition, an analysis of the relevance of the findings should be made.
  5. Conclusion. It must contain the most important contributions of the study; therefore, it must be explicitly expressed. In this section, the limitations of the study are pointed out and it is proposed how to solve them, as well as new lines of research.
  6. References. Based on the template, in order of citation, Vancouver format and, as far as possible, include URL or DOI. Authors are requested to review and thoroughly check each of the references.
  7. Appendix or supplementary material. That the author considers pertinent.
  8. Optional information. If necessary, include financing or economic support, human resources or logistics.

Elements required for theoretical studies (essays)

  1. Introduction. Corresponds to the background and development of the theoretical-referential support to carry out the test, based on what is already known, which should logically lead to the question(s) and the objective(s).
  2. Methodology. Includes the strategies for the search and eligibility of the articles supporting the essay.
  3. Development of the essay. It is recommended to include subtitles for development based on a critical, objective, clear and fluid theoretical review.
  4. Conclusion. It is an analytical reflection that, in addition to synthesizing and integrating the results, leads to novel explanatory proposals for the advancement of phenomena addressed, with the final purpose of making decisions, which must be explicitly expressed.
  5. References. Based on the template, in order of citation, Vancouver format and, if possible include URL or DOI. Authors are requested to review and thoroughly check each of the references.
  6. Appendix or supplementary material. That the author(s) consider pertinent.
  7. Optional information. If necessary, include financing or economic support, human resources or logistics.

Elements required for theoretical studies (free and systematic literature reviews):

  1. Introduction. It corresponds to the theoretical-referential background to carry out a new review, based on what is already known, which should logically lead to the question(s) and the objective(s).
  2. Methodology. Search strategies such as: keywords, description period, filter or parameters and eligibility criteria; database(s) consulted to search for articles.
  3. Description and analysis of results. Coherent writing of the most important findings and presented in a clear and fluent manner. To present the findings of the systematic reviews, it is suggested, without obligation, to draw up tables, since they allow visualization and comparison of various studies in a practical way (cited in the text and with their corresponding source).
  4. Conclusion. It is a reflection on the theoretical revision that, in addition to synthesizing and integrating the results, leads to novel explanatory proposals for the progress of the phenomena addressed, with the final purpose of making decisions, therefore, it must be explicitly expressed.
  5. References. Based on the template, in order of citation, Vancouver format and, as far as possible, include URL or DOI. Authors are requested to review and thoroughly check each of the references.
  6. Appendix or supplementary material. That the author considers pertinent.
  7. Optional information. If necessary, include financing or economic support, human resources or logistics.

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